Crescent Moon w/Earthshine & Venus

Moonset At Sunset


Daylight Moon

Mercury Transit 2006

Orion on a Snowy Moonlit Night

Comet McNaught

Moon & Venus 2/19/7
Comet 17P/Holmes 2007 Outburst

Wide View with Constellation Lines/Labels

Entire FOV with 80mm APO

Cropped view with 80mm APO

11/17/07 Near Alpha Persei/Mel 20

Comparison of size 10/27/7 to 11/17/7

Venus & Jupiter Conjunction

Moon Jupiter Mercury Conjunction

Venus Moon Jupiter Conjunction
Lunar Eclipses

Super Wolf Blood Moon 1/20/2019 Before Totality

Super Wolf Blood Moon 1/20/2019 Totality