Solar System/Night Sky Scenes

This page has images of the Moon, Planets and our Sun as well as some night sky scenery.
Click on images to see larger versions or pages with additional information


Crescent Moon w/Earthshine & Venus

Moonset At Sunset


Daylight Moon

Mercury Transit 2006

Orion on a Snowy Moonlit Night

Comet McNaught

Moon & Venus 2/19/7

Comet 17P/Holmes 2007 Outburst

Wide View with Constellation Lines/Labels

Entire FOV with 80mm APO

Cropped view with 80mm APO

11/17/07 Near Alpha Persei/Mel 20

Comparison of size 10/27/7 to 11/17/7

Venus & Jupiter Conjunction

Moon Jupiter Mercury Conjunction

Venus Moon Jupiter Conjunction

Lunar Eclipses

Super Wolf Blood Moon 1/20/2019 Before Totality

Super Wolf Blood Moon 1/20/2019 Totality