NGC 891

NGC 891 Spiral Galaxy

(Full Frame)

NGC 891

NGC 891 Spiral Galaxy



NGC 891 is a spiral galaxy seen edge on from our point of view on earth. It is located in the constellation Andromeda. As you can see in these photos the most prominent feature of this galaxy is the dust lane that bisects it. This galaxy is relatively small and dim and therefore not easy to see in small telescopes. I was not able to see it visually in my 8" Newt when I took this photo.


Imaged on 9/24/2006 at 1:28 AM Central Time from Fordland, MO

Camera: Canon 300D (unmodified) at Prime Focus
Imaging Scope: 8" F4.9 Orion Newt w/Baader MPCC
Guide Scope: 120mm F5.0 Orion Refractor
Guiding: GuideDog software and SAC-7b camera and TechnoPlus LX200 emulator
Mount: Losmandy CG-11

Image Information:
13 Frames, 10 Minutes each @ ISO 800 + Avg of 5 Darks
No flat or bias frames
Captured with DSLR Control
Focused  and Processed with Images Plus 2.75

Document made with Nvu