


M78 is a combination of dark and reflection nebula located in the constellation Orion. It is located NNE of Altinak, the easternmost star in his belt. M78 is a relatively small object but is pretty easy to see in small telescopes.


Imaged on 11/24/2005 at 1:00 AM Central Time from Fordland, MO

Camera: Canon 300D (unmodified) at Prime Focus
Imaging Scope: 8” F4.9 Orion Reflector
Guide Scope: 120mm F5.0 Orion refractor
Guiding: GuideDog software and SAC-7b camera 
Mount: Losmandy CG-11

Image Information:
6 Frames, 10 Minutes each @ ISO 800 + Avg of 5 Darks
No flat or bias frames
Captured with DSLR Control
Focused and Processed with Images Plus 2.5

Document made with Nvu