M16 Eagle Nebula

M16 Eagle Nebula


M16 is a star forming region located in the constellation Serpens just North of Sagittarius. The red color is a result of emissions from the Hydrogen gas that is the raw material for the star formation. The bright stars superimposed on the red area slightly to the left and above the center of the image were formed in the nebula and their light and radiation are now "blowing" the gas and dust of the nebula and sculpting the shapes you can see. The darker shapes just below and to the right of the cluster are the "pillars of creation" from the famous Hubble Space Telescope image. Although this nebula is fairly bright it is not as easy to see as the magnitude listed in most catalogs would suggest, but the involved star cluster is quite bright and easily visible in small telescopes and even binoculars.


Imaged on 7/23/2006 at 12:37 AM Central Time from Fordland, MO

Camera: Canon 300D (unmodified) at Prime Focus
Imaging Scope: 8” F4.9 Orion Reflector
Guide Scope: 120mm F5.0 Orion refractor
Guiding: GuideDog software and SAC-7b camera and TechnoPlus LX200 emulator
Mount: Losmandy CG-11

Image Information:
Best 16 of 20 Frames, 6 Minutes each @ ISO 800 + Avg of 5 Darks
No flat or bias frames
Captured with DSLR Control
Focused and Processed with Images Plus 2.75

Document made with Nvu