& The Flame & Horsehead Nebulae
(NGC 2024 & B 33/IC 343)
Part of the vast complex of dust and gas in the constellation Orion, NGC 2024 is the relatively bright nebula at the bottom of the image just to the left of center. The common name of "Flame Nebula" comes from the flame shaped clouds of darker dust superimposed on the bright portion. The Horsehead nebula is the dark cloud shaped like a horse's head near the lower right corner. It is superimposed over the diffuse nebula IC 343 which is the red glow behind the horse head. The very bright star near the center of the image is Altinak which is the left hand star in Orion's "belt". All of these nebulae are farily dim and not easily visible in smaller scopes. Certain filters help to make them more visible. I could not seen any of the nebulosity in this photo through the scope I used to take the photograph. I simply lined up Altinak near the left center of the field of view and started the exposures.